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Sunday, February 6, 2011

United Death Care

Almost two years after seeing many doctors and being labeled a hypochondriac by many, I was finally diagnosed with Chronic Lyme Disease. Right now the "chronic" piece of this disease is being treated the way Fibromyalgia was and is by many doctors, another auto immune disease that is only treated IF the Dr. believes in it. Many people will attest, I went from being an athletic, energetic woman who did 18 things at once; to an overweight, Alzheimer-ish, moody person who starting missing work, staying in bed most days too tired to even take a shower, as I felt as though I had a low grade flu everyday. Chronic Lyme disease is when the bacteria stays in your blood stream and starts to latch onto your cell walls, I basically also had a yeast infection through my whole body that wouldn't go away. Gross.

I was finally diagnosed after I was married and moved to Maryland as most of you know. I found out I had brain damage, heart damage, thyroid damage and adrenal damage from Lyme disease, something the doctors in Michigan refused to test me for, for many years. I started on a regimen of many medications, one of them being Doxycycline, a very strong antibiotic, which I had to take twice per day. It makes me really sick to the point where I vomit daily, sleep a lot and things I won;t go into here. This is addition the numerous other 17 medications, herbs and supplements I have to take to control all the damage and stave off the bacteria. My doctor who is one of the premier docs on the east coast for Lyme, told me I really needed infusions of antibiotics to get well. So BCBS told me that I had to fail to succeed on doxy in order to do so, so I did, and then on 11/9/10 I had surgery to have a port placed in my chest to have at home infusions four days a week, twice a day. The other three days, I do stuff like try to work. :)

I started to feel better than I had in many years and very happy that I had the vitality and energy to do things I had not been able to do for a long , long time. the last three months have been wonderful and my husband has been my rock. My pup Betsy recently had to have surgery on her knee and her brother Cutter came to live with us after his owner started dying of cancer. It's been a lot of work as Betsy has to remain confined to her cage and she can only be out for pees and food, and she hates it. It's hard to watch her cry because it itches. We have to carry her around like a baby, but it's worth it. I've attached a pic of her and Cutter. My husband and I are grateful to those who helped with Betsy's surgery, our breeder has been good to us also and helped us immensely.

Jan. 1 my husband's job switched to United health care and they do not pay for Chronic Lyme disease treatment. According to them, I should be cured. I have to go back on doxy which makes me really sick and doesn't work.They cut off my supplies and may stop paying for my meds. I don't even like to say this, but it's pretty serious. I want to live. We are seeing my Dr. again in the coming week who is just livid with UHC, but he has tried many times to get them to change their mind but they won't. We are going to sell our property, get rid of luxuries and borrow from our 401 k if we have to. he may look for another position with different insurance. Maybe in Florida. We might do a fund raiser.The cost is $280 per week for infusion supplies and $95 per week for the nurse to come out and change my dressings. We have to find out how long I need infusions; it may be only 11 more months.

So just say some prayers for us and send us positive energy. Let us know if you hear of any funding or anything, or know of lawyer who can scrap with UHC.