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Friday, October 21, 2011

Hugging Anger

The world seems so angry these days. The other day my husband came home from work, slamming the door obviously traumatized by something. Anyone who knows him knows he has nerves of steel. He proceeded to tell me loudly and uncharacteristically that I was not allowed to view a video he'd watched online about a girl in China hit by a truck and left for dead and people who could have saved her walked by her and took pictures. He couldn't go on. He grabbed me and hugged me so I couldn't see him crying, even though I knew was. I was the calm one. I held him tight and then I kissed his forehead and let him hug me again. We talked about it, and that was it. I wanted to kiss him more, but he is an island. A man's man. I know he loves me until the ends of the earth. That will never change and I love him. I have a hard time dealing with the lack of sensitivity in our world today. As a Psychologist, it fascinates me, as a person, it terrifies me. What is happening to some of us? As the Marine screamed at the police at Occupy Wall Street- " Have you no honor or respect?" Even in war there is respect. There is even honor among thieves. We are emotionally cannibalizing ourselves-everywhere. Reality shows that are not reality, or any reality I would want to be in for that matter....what happened to being entertained? We have the fear factor, and other shows that appear to try to find the racial mixture and strange political correctness that makes the evening news look like a movie. We are becoming a Third World Superpower. We have forgotten what we fought for in the first place that every man is created equal, not the 1% that have the money. Look what happened during the "Golden Age", the 1890's. We are right where we were back during the Dust Bowl and right before the Great Depression. Greed has seeped it's way into our very fiber and is ruining the people who are supposed to be serving us, the people. We, the people. We are not the People I want to be. I have lived under the thumb of all this for far too long. The other day on a social media site I'm on, I was speaking my opinion on the impending student loan crisis protesting. A childhood friend of mine made a comment on my wall; and I'm paraphrasing here; " You're are such a talented person and have accomplished so much, you need to change your attitude and focus on something that is real and where you can really make a difference instead of whining about something that will never change." This statement hit me right between the eyes like a baseball! I wanted to say something to her and defend myself, but I knew she was one of the people who would just walk by and take a picture. So I will do what I do- and I will lay down in front of Sallie Mae, and I will stand up for my rights and the rights of others, I will do this with Occupy Sallie Mae and all the Occupier's, along with Cryn Johannsen and All Education Matters, inc, Robert Applebaum and his Forgive Student Loan movement. I will try to make a difference and stop no matter who is laying on the ground.

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I want to know who you are and keep it clean and civilized. :)